Living Well Life Spa
Breast Thermal Imaging
Breast Thermal Imaging Infrared Imaging is a non-contact, non-ionizing procedure that provides physiological information about your breast health. Infrared Imaging provides a temperature map- a visual representation of the body's control mechanisms regulate the blood flow throughout the body. Breast blood flow, in turn, is influenced by hormones and other chemicals. Often, abnormal blood flow patterns are suggestive of hormone imbalance. Once corrected- signs of disease disappear. Uncorrected these changes can result in future disease. The cause of breast cancer is not yet known, but the influence of hormones on breast cancer is. Infrared provides a safe, non-contact way to monitor hormone influence in your breast. Mammography-monitors the structural changes - the diseases that are a result. Thermography is not a replacement for mammography or any other structural tests -as each test provides information on different aspects of breast health. Infrared imaging-or thermography is best used as an adjunctive exam in a comprehensive program of breast health. Together thermography, increases the efficacy of disease detection to greater than 95%.
The test takes approximately 30min. We need to cool you disrobed from the waist up in a cool room for approximately 10 min. depending on the heat of the day. The scan is non- contact and non- invasive. We conduct a cold challenge between test set one and two. This is necessary to determine YOUR body's reaction and has NOTHING to do with camera sensitivity-regardless of claims by other centers.
You will provide a list of medications/ supplements and a short health history for the physician reading the scan.
Jan Crawford, RN is a member of the American Academy of Thermology (AAT) and had over 23 years experience. The AAT is the only U.S. based organization in existence for over 50 years--founded in 1972 for direct purpose of establishing and promoting the scientific' based utilization of thermal detection for adjunctive medical diagnostics. The AAT have the most published and peer-'reviewed papers of any U.S. organization.
Your Scan results will be returned in approximately 5-10 business days from day of scan. Results and images are sent by email unless you are unable to receive them. It is your responsibility to inform us of your request for results to be mailed out. NOTE that there is an additional fee of $12.00 for mailing out results. and we are not responsible for any delays caused by the United States Postal Service deliveries.
The fee is $200.00 for all Breast Thermal Imaging Scans and payable at the time of the exam by cash, credit card or HSA card. We do accept checks as well, but do prefer the other forms of payments.
Thank you for thinking thermally! Jan Crawford, RN
If you have questions or would like to set an appointment:
Contact Jan Crawford, RN at Email: or call: 815-378-9975
To prepare for a thermogram, here is a list of things NOT TO DO before your scan:
No sunburn or tanning to the chest or breasts for 72 hours in advance. Avoid a low cut top in the sun.
Do not shave underarms before scan -day of or night prior
DO NOT NURSE less than 2 hours prior to the scan and make sure you nurse BOTH BREAST equal time.
No lotions or powders to the chest or breasts. We will have baby wipes to remove deodorant if you'll be coming from work.
No sauna/work out/weightlifting and or massage or chiropractic the day of or prior to the scan. Preferably not 24 hours in advance.
No smoking 2 hours in advance.
DO NOT run heat or air conditioning at your chest in the car.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information and services provided at Living Well Life Spa are not meant to diagnosis, cure, treat or prevent any medical issue. Consult your healthcare provider. I-ACT certified colon hydrotherapists use FDA registered equipment and follow high standards of practice as set forth by the International Association for Colon Hydrotherapy.